Can`t run rams at 3200.

10 Sep 2020
Aorus Master z390,
9900k (curently @5Ghz, 1.295v)
ram - Corsair Dominator Platinum (2x16 DDR4 3200Mhz c16) (CMT32GX4M2C3200C16).

the thing is that RAM runs only 2800, sometimes 3066, but i can not run them at 3200 with OC myself nor running XMP. Can it be because of MB?

Adding bios SS:
I know that is not on QVL list. I just recently changed MB, its exactly same MB, just on previuos I bent CPU pins and RAM B Channel was gone so I was running both ram stick in A (single channel mode) for around a year and it was fine (3200). Since I change it to new one (from amazon, so I`m thinking it is brand new one) never was able to run 3200, only 2800 and some times 3066 (rarely). So I`m thinking maybe its MB fault or something.

What happens if you go back to defaults for your OC and then run with XMP1 profile for the RAM, understanding that the profile picks up your correct timings and the 1.35v required...?

You mean CPU OC on default and just try XMP on? Yeah it picks up timings and runs 1.35v. I even tried 1.5v - same doesnt go above 2800. But couple of times when I was trying OC myself it jumped to 3066, but tried to push even further after that and got black screen on start up and needed to reset everything back.
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I`ll try that.
Flashing with F11k, it`s a dual bios MB, so if I lose one - still got backup.
But will keep it to last thing to try.
Most important thing is to know that is not MB fault.
Cause, as I explained above, I recently swaped MB (exact same model) because of CPU pins issue.
And the thing is if it is faulty MB i got time just to 14 of September to send it back.
Can it be caused by MB at all or its just RAM stick`s problem (because they are not in QVL list)?
Why I think that, because with previuos MB sadly on single channel mode rams was running 3200.

Just this time I made sure that I didnt bent any pins in CPU socket :]
Never seen anything like that before.
Just got in to my bios again to have a look and i found this:
it says that my CPU is running @7.6Ghz,
rams still at 2800.
But win task manager says that my ram is ok - 3200.
what to believe?
could it be everything is ok but my bios numbers f* up?
Just found a solution.
I put my old MB (with bent pins) where only one ram Channel A is working, put one ram kit in, updated bios to same F11C.
Yeah, the new MB fault. Everything is running nice and well with old one (bent pins).
Sending it back.
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