Can the z-5500 go louder then the z-680

17 Dec 2004
I always thought the 5500 was louder then the 680 because of the sub size,, but the wattage for the speakers and sub are both the same with the 2 systems.. Now whats that all about?
More wattage does not automatically translate to more volume.

I believe the old (semi-lengendary for MM speakers) Sirocco Crossfire only use 100W? Yet they compare favorably in volume (and often quality) to speakers with several times the watt rating. Not too sure about the technical reason behind it, but in practice, it seems to be the case. I guess design/efficiency all play a part.
Watts has nothing to do with actual output, as speaker sensitivity and amplifier power real world testing, and how the amplifier copes across the frequency range, loudspeaker impedence and distortion comes into it.

In real world use a 15W amplifier is more than enough, if you match with sensitive speakers. ie I could match a 15W RMS amplifier with horn speakers and they'll be much louder than a 1000W (PMPO) PC speaker system. To the noob the PC speakers would seem much more powerful, but when you actually use them the horns will blast out 110dB+, wheras the PC speakers will just explode trying to output that kind of level. And to say nothing about difference in sound quality.

There's too many variables.
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Oh god yes, big number mean bugger all.

Examples of some of my Audio setups on my PCs...

My KD7 has a Genius thingy, its supposed to be 1400w and I have to say, that its utter poo... I will never buy Genius Speakers again.

My DFI LP250 has Altec Lansing 251, these are many many times louder, and many many times better quality too, but they are only what? 15watts? I am not sure right now, but google for them, they are very low anyway.

Those altec 251s are leagues ahead of the genius.

Now, I put those 2 sets together because they both cost me £50

Even further apart are my Altec Lansing 955. These are double that price, but also they are THX verified, plus the output is only 15Watts, now the quality of that, is leagues ahead of any of the others, plus the volume is mind numbing, and even when pushed right up ( Never gone anywhere near full volume cos its too painful ) it still keeps 100% crisp and perfect quality... On only 15Watts!!!!!!

Among others too, are a JBL Dolby Digital 6 Channel setup, that cost my father nearly £600 ( Duly stolen by myself and my mum cos she is sick of the noise ) and those are extremely expensive, and extremely loud, however, the quality is pretty poor when compared to the AL955's.

These are just a few of what I have, but the simple fact has remained across the board, and across all speaker/amp setups I have, and have had, and that is that more watts means sod all, and in fact, its often a complete lie really, and also when comparing say the JBL against the 251... £50 vs £500, I wouls say that although the JBL are way louder, the 251 are also way better quality too.

End of the day, dont listen a sodding word on the packaging, have a listen to the hardware yourself and then judge afterwards.
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