Can this be done?

21 Apr 2004
Photoshopped example.
Can this be done with dropdowns?

anything 'can' be done it's wether you can afford the development time that is the question, and yes you could easily create an extention to the .net dropDownList type to have part of the selected item highlighted in red.

im not big on forms, but couldn't you use a span class in there? dropdowns are just text aren't they? they're not a value property or anything
As far as I know, the most control you can have is applying a class to the option box itself, using css. Not individual words unfortunately. I could be wrong though.
We really need to know if this is HTML/CSS or a .NET Windows Forms question.

If .NET Windows Forms - yes, simply owner draw the combo.

If HTML/CSS, very likely No.
NathanE said:
We really need to know if this is HTML/CSS or a .NET Windows Forms question.

If .NET Windows Forms - yes, simply owner draw the combo.

If HTML/CSS, very likely No.
I'd imagine it's HTML/CSS, as iCraig is a web designer :)
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