Can traffic wardens harass the public?

22 Nov 2004
Just wondering what the traffic wardens policies are on harassment of the public, in hindsight.

As I was picking up my partner's son last Sunday, and I discovered there was a football match (had no idea as don't follow football at all - F1 all the way) and there's no indication otherwise. So, a traffic warden strolls over and says you're not allowed to park here, because of the football match. Fair enough, so I park and get a ticket. Kids thing over runs and I go to rescue my car, and the same warden was standing over my car waiting. So I jump in and drive off and park in a different street (as you're not allowed to park in the same street consecutively). Over runs still, and have the same scenerio with the same traffic warden and I escape. Paid for 25 mins each time, and got a little fitter running to my car - whilst the traffic warden had a scooter!!

Now, if the police pull you over 3 or more times in a week, you can file a harassment case at them (as I understand it). Where does this lie with traffic wardens - can the same traffic warden target your car 3 or more times in the same day? Can this be seen as harassment in the eyes of the law? Just curious really.
They were just doing there job in that scenario. They had probably been told to specifically concentrate on those few streets due to the footy.
When I see a traffice warden my mind always says freaking jobsworth loser, I once had a traffic warden standing over my car as I went to get a ticket from the machine where I had parked legally to say the least she got more than a telling off from me.
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