Can u upgrade laptop ?

29 Jun 2006
Hey guys, I'm building new rig but by the time I finish it will b summer already and I'm just bored and wanna play some good game. I have HP Laptop and I believe it's not the greatest for current mmorpg's. I wanted to know if u can upgrade a laptop and what is good to change and how ? I can put it $400 in upgrades so pls help me out here and lemme know what to change.

HP Pvilion dv9205ca

AMD Turion 64 x2 1.6Ghz

958mb of Ram

Nvidia GeForce Go6150 (no clue how many mb)

and runnin Vista, maybe i'll just reinstall XP cuz Vista steals a lot of Ram and it's only a laptop.
With laptops you more or less keep the spec throughout the life of the laptop.

The RAM is the easiest thing to change on a laptop, so start by doing that :)
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