can veggies own a dog?

what!? Are you being serious!?

My ex partner was a mega strict veggie, and she had two boxers!

In addition, the dogs shouldnt eat raw meat as they cant digest it (popular to contrary believe) and it contributes to heart disease!

Most of their food is porcessed into chunks (wet) and biscuity form( dry)
Oracle said:
what!? Are you being serious!?


My ex partner was a mega strict veggie, and she had two boxers!

which just seems strange when you think about it, someone who hates eating animals flesh feeding their pets meat!

In addition, the dogs shouldnt eat raw meat as they cant digest it (popular to contrary believe) and it contributes to heart disease!

I know :) Ive got a boxer dog too :D

Most of their food is porcessed into chunks (wet) and biscuity form( dry)

...but it still contains meat


A V-Dog is a Healthy Dog :D or :p
Jon Frost said:
which just seems strange when you think about it, someone who hates eating animals flesh feeding their pets meat!

People are vegetarians for varying reasons, e.g a friend of mine doesn't eat meat because of the taste. Could be referring to those mental vegans perhaps?
Lol I managed to get my girlfriend to admit she would eat meat, but only if she had killed it herself. I think giving veggies meat is a bad idea anyway, I reckon they get bloodlust and go berserk killing and eating. The last thing we need is crazy veggie pets :eek:
>:|sh4d0w|:< said:
Im no expert but surely the immune and digestive systems of wild dogs are a bit different?

Well yea, wild dogs arent immunised and wont have booster vaccinations.
Well surely the diet of a dog is much different to that of a human.

They probably need meat of some kind, as natured intended.

However don't vegetarians believe we shouldn't eat meat, as we don't need to. We can survive just as well without it?

I eat meat every day by the way, the day minted lamb is banned is the day humanity ends as far as I'm concerned.
Oracle said:
In addition, the dogs shouldnt eat raw meat as they cant digest it (popular to contrary believe) and it contributes to heart disease!


Maybe wild dogs don't tend to get heart disease because they tend to die younger than the average pet ;)

I can't really see that raw meat can be that bad for dogs, given that they are carnivours and have been eating it for millions of years, although I suspect the dried food etc is possibly better for a long lived canine (as domesticated dogs do I think live longer than they would in the wild).
Isotope said:
Well yea, wild dogs arent immunised and wont have booster vaccinations.

Im pretty sure having been in the wild they will have built up more immunities, plus if their species have been eating raw meat for decades, this is quite different to a domesticated canine eating raw meat.
Jon Frost said:
As dogs eat meat, can veggies/do veggies own dogs / cats?

Thats an excellent point.
I've posted before that 15 years ago my sister in law/brother in law had their first child and bought him up vegan.
He became ill and the doctors warned them if they didn't feed him properly social services would be called in.
They have four kids now and trips to McDonalds are regular occurences now.
However, during this early period they still gave their dog Pedigree Chum.
Why should these vegeterians inflict their beliefs onto others?

If they don't eat meat, that fine; I respect that. But when they try and tell me that I mustn't kill animals, amongst the rest of their tripe - well they can go swivel.

WTF is with this Quorn BS? "Oh I fancy some chicken tonight - but I don't want one which has meat in it, so it'll be Quorn for me tonight."

If they enjoy the taste and texture of meat so much for them to go and buy Quorn, at least eat the real thing - it's far better. Oh, and I have tried Quorn before anybody asks - nothing beats the taste of 100% processed gunk. :rolleyes:

As for this "In addition, the dogs shouldnt eat raw meat as they cant digest it (popular to contrary believe) and it contributes to heart disease". Well do they have some sort method of cooking the meat, and do they get jabs to stop them getting diseases? NO - because their immune systems knows how to deal with it.

The trouble with all these jabs etc, is they make us all soft sods. I strongly believe we should have a bit of contamination in our food, regulary too. Our immune systems will build up a protection to fight these contaminations. We don't need bloody jabs.

Some people should say you cook bones before you give it to the dog, otherwise it can make them wild. Fact is, in the wild when they're eating a 10 minute old dead Deer, they're enjoying it so much they defend the meat. When you give a dog a raw bone, it's natural instincts kick in

I gave my parent's Collie raw bones every month or so. It's about 16 years of age now. I admit it eats dry food (with added water). To this day, he tries to run about like a puppy. So don't give me none of this "oh raw meat will kill your dog off". In fact, if I remember, I will post a photo of him tomorrow, to prove my point.
dmpoole said:
Thats an excellent point.
I've posted before that 15 years ago my sister in law/brother in law had their first child and bought him up vegan.
He became ill and the doctors warned them if they didn't feed him properly social services would be called in.
They have four kids now and trips to McDonalds are regular occurences now.
However, during this early period they still gave their dog Pedigree Chum.

I totally misread that as:

They have four kids now and trips to McDonalds are regular occurences. However, during this early period they still gave them Pedigree Chum" - :eek:

No wonder social services nearly got involved.

Anyway, you said they went to Mcdonalds.. where did they go for their meat?
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