Can we sign up for this 1 year mag sub in UK?

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
Ive just been linked to this:
A 1 year free subscription to EGM, and I think they ship to the UK, but is it all free to everyone around the world? I'm wondering because I would be so interested in this!

EDIT- Also, for state/province I put UK, and country I put England, do you think it would make it to the right country etc.?
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Considering they include the option to add your country I think they are expecting International orders - also look at the small print at the bottom ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
leezer3 said:
Signed up :)
Shall see what arrives.
I put a - as state & UK as the country.

I just put the first 2 letters of my postcode as my state...

fingers crossed :)

gwf to the OP ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
I put my postcode without a space in the Zip Code and Kent in the state.

Country i just put England as United Kingdom didn't fit, dont really expect much to arrive though
Hmmm. Can't see it working, but applied anyway :)

Couldnt get my post code in anywhere. State=BS and the rest of my code in zip :p
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