Can ya tell whut it is yet?

22 Sep 2005
Its the next Project of mine tbh ><




I'm not giving too much away just yet but its going to be painted like nothing ive attempted before :)

matt100 said:
its a tj07.

I reckon..

I only half spotted it because I built a watercooled tj07 for someone once.

Correct :D

its a silverstone Temjin TJ-07 !
and it is one beast of a case >< thankfully i know this case inside out, so its gonna be a doddle.

I am currently investing 2 months wages into decorating my room and buying new h-fi gear. so the case is bpart of that.
I normally do airbrush art that is bold and very in yer face scary like - but this time im going for a more contemporary feel. think ''adobe illustrator'' type artwork, that will suit the case, cooling and my bedroom around it.
the potential colour scheme is probably going to be based on white, and earth tones such as browns and rich reds, blacks etc. i simply cannot explain how i want this too look, and doubt id ever be able to draw it on paper, so i might just ge t the case into primer an let my airbrush rip !

im collecting new cooling components over the next few weeks and my room is schedule for make over after pay day so thats when you will see the project log happen.

so yea, nice fresh paintwork thats a little different from what ive done before... but i wouldn't be surprised if i revert to my usually way of doing things in small parts :)

***F1ZZY*** said:
Is it going to have serious hardware and cooling a la the BEAST?

If only half that spec. but with your artist touch it will still be one hell of a machine.

Well not really serious hardware, just the rig thats in my sig. its nothing to me sniffed at though ! i only ever play 2 games ( CS:S and Quake 3 ) so im not upgrading anythign in that way. just going to get a different chip, say a 6400... I jumped on the 4300 bandwagon early and what a shoddy chip i have ! it wont clock despite my best efforts, so 6400 it is :)
but im going to treat my self to a small RAID 0 setup :)

the cooling will be based around the usual suspects, thermocjhill PA120.3, CCD ultra, Apogee GTX ( probobly) and an EK X1900XTX block.

The start date of the project is a long way off yet, just giving you all the heads up >< and i couldnt wait to show off that ive finaly got my ultimate dream case :D
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