Can you connect your own router directly to a CityFibre ONT?

28 Feb 2012
Hi all, I am considering moving to a CityFibre FTTP provider from Virgin Media. I am currently using a Netgear router connected to the VM hub in modem mode. Would it be the same configuration with a CityFibre provider? Or can I connect my router directly to the ONT? Ideally, I would like to just hook my router up directly.

I am presently considering Lit Fibre, IDNet and Vodafone. Although leaning away from Vodafone at the moment as I have read about the possibility of load balancing on the network increasing the latency at times.
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As long as you have a compatible router (most these days are) you can connect it to the ONT. You then put your ISP details into your router's WAN settings.
As long as you have a compatible router (most these days are) you can connect it to the ONT. You then put your ISP details into your router's WAN settings.

Thank you. Are these details always provided to the end user?

I may take the opportunity to upgrade to a new Wi-Fi 6 router as mine is quite old now. Would something like the TP-Link AXE5400 (or similar) be suitable? What should I look for in the router spec?
All three of the ISPs you have listed let you use your own router. IDNet provide you the PPPoE details without asking, Vodafone give you them if you ask, and Lit use DHCP.
If they do go via ground, you’d have had them digging outside to put fibre in and a small box outside your house in the footpath, then it’s basically a spade in at an angle to lift the grass a few inches deep and then the cable goes in, not a 6” deep trench like VM - should - dig.
If they do go via ground, you’d have had them digging outside to put fibre in and a small box outside your house in the footpath, then it’s basically a spade in at an angle to lift the grass a few inches deep and then the cable goes in, not a 6” deep trench like VM - should - dig.
If it's an area that Lit Fibre built then it's likely to be PIA

I'm guessing it will be via the Openreach poles/overhead on the street. I have seen Openreach engineers up on the poles a few times recently. I'm guessing they are installing CityFibre lines or upgrading their own infrastructure? According to the Openreach website, we won't have Openreach FTTP until the end of 2025. I think most people in the neighbourhood are on VM cable as that has been the best option until CityFibre arrived last year. I can't imagine many have been using the old copper lines with ADSL with VM as an option.
You just need to be able to set a VLAN tag of 911 for City Fibre which you should be able to do on your Netgear

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You just need to be able to set a VLAN tag of 911 for City Fibre which you should be able to do on your Netgear

Is this for any City Fibre provider? Is it something that you do regardless of whether the provider needs credentials entered or uses DHCP?
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Yeah any provider, most routers allow you to do it.

Aquiss has guides for the main router brands.
While not normally required, if your router doesn't support VLAN ID, or you for example used a virtualised environment, it's possible to pre-tag the incoming interface with a VLAN ID using a managed switch or something like Proxmox, you then just feed the router or virtual router a clean DHCP WAN connection. I found this approach quicker and easier when messing about with multiple different routers/virtualised routers.
You’re either using a preconfigured router supplied by the ISP or the Lit Fibre built network doesn’t require a VLAN tag, City Fibres network definitely does.
I'm using my own router and the various checkers show I can now get a service from any of the City Fibre resellers. I originally joined Lit Fibre when they were their own independent fibre provider.
I'm using my own router and the various checkers show I can now get a service from any of the City Fibre resellers. I originally joined Lit Fibre when they were their own independent fibre provider.
Yeah you probably aren’t currently connecting over City Fibres network, they could change that in the future I suppose.
You are on CityFibre's network if you got an email a couple of months ago about maintenance work and your IP address changed. If you move to a different ISP then CityFibre come and swap your ONT. Not every ISP on CityFibre uses a VLAN, I'm not completely sure of the reason behind it because it's a bit awkward but any decent router supports it. At a guess it's to stop people plugging the ONT into a switch, having one device get a public IP address while none others work, and generating support calls.
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Thanks for this useful thread, exactly what I was looking for! I got a crappy 'wifi hub' from Vodaphone which has abysmal config (e.g. can't set it to modem only). However, it does have a 'phone jack' for VoIP landline, which my family likes. How do I deal with that on a 3rd party router?
Thanks for this useful thread, exactly what I was looking for! I got a crappy 'wifi hub' from Vodaphone which has abysmal config (e.g. can't set it to modem only). However, it does have a 'phone jack' for VoIP landline, which my family likes. How do I deal with that on a 3rd party router?
Irrespective of the ISP, you have two options if you wish to replace the equipment:
  • Obtain the VOIP details from your ISP, many large/traditional providers don't supply them.
  • Migrate the number to a 3rd party VOIP provider and do it yourself.
It's 2025, fixed line telephony is in it's death throws, I was expecting resistance when FTTP became an option for my parents (80's) but when a unlimited minutes/SMS SIM is literally £4 a month, and they are contactable, and can contact anyone whenever they wish, it's a no-brainer. Yes, fringe examples will exist where coverage is not so great, but wifi calling is a thing at home.

The other question that probably needs to be considered here is what specifically do you want to do that your vodafone router can't?
Thanks Avalon, yeah, was trying to find "3rd party VOIP provider" today, but not sure where to start...

The 'ultra hub' or whatever has a number of problems (I'm probably overthinking)... I can't turn of WPS, and I would rather turn it off due to security considerations. UPnP claims to be off, but I see the ports open. I want my guest wifi to be open (no security), but it won't let me. I want emoji in the SSID, but it won't let me
I'd like to put it into pure switch mode so I can keep both the phone and plug in a second router to do the DHCP, etc, with the UltraHub firewalled from my home network, but no such option exists.... actually, I just checked, and it seems I can switch off dhcp and the wifi, so I could use it like this... however, my bill came through, and suddenly the 'landline' is no longer interesting to me... £5 for a few test calls...

What plan are your parents on
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