Can you guys test this for me please

5 Aug 2003

Just knocked together an xml flash video player, it works fine here, so just want to see if it works for everyone else, I've only uploaded the first 3 videos in the list to test it, so all the other ones won't work. I'm also trying to change the actually video bit so it has controls and stuff. Can you let me know how fast the videos load too, cheers.

Also let me know what you think of my new site design (hasn't gone live yet, as I still need to make the news, services, contacts page and sort out the index page :p )
All the vid's from BF2 to GTA Liberty City played O.K.

(Viewed on FF)

This line doesn't read too well, IMO ;

"On this section of the website you can see a selection of the work that I have worked on"

All done in flash, there's an external xml file, which updates the list and thumbnails.

Each vid is around 15mb, works out at around about 5mb a minute. All vids were encoded with flash 8 encoder
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