Can you please spec me a system :P

30 Dec 2005
I have £700 to spend, maybe a bit more.

I need all parts of the computer, including Monitor, keyboard mouse ect.

I will be using it for normal internet use. But i also use Photoshop CS2, 3DSM, Macromedia Flash, and some other programs such as this, i would like to be able to run more than one of these programs at once if possible.

Thanks a lot. Also i want the CPU to be made by AMD, and the monitor to be a flatscreen.

Hope you can help,
Upsher :P
yea that looks pretty good, i might go for the 20" wide screen instead of the 19" though.

I have a quick question

are raptors worth they money if im not playing any games? because i was thinking of getting the 150gb one.
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TBH, i want the computer to be an all round system.

I will be mainly using it for graphical stuff, such a 3DSM.

But i also want it to be able to play fairly recent games pretty well.\

Your talking about using integrated GFX? surely that wouldnt be good for using graphical program like 3DSM and photoshop? and wouldnt that mean it would be harder to update in the future? i would have to buy a whole new mb, and graphics card?

Help me :P cheers.

PS. it would also be nice if i could overclock it, but if im asking too much for the money, thats ok :P
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