Can you recommend me some c++ books please

1 Sep 2003
Milton Keynes
Hi there,

Have just finished my degree course where I learnt (basic) c programming. Would like to get my teeth into something a little more universal, so have decided on c++. Can anyone recommend me some books for a thorough understanding?
another vote for stroustrup here, but it's by no means an easy read for the absolute beginner.
more something to pick up once you've nailed the basics.

you'll need some OO perspective too, so i'll also add UML Distilled by fowler.

(and there's nothing basic about programming in c, you've just not used it in anger yet :))
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I've heard C++: How to Program by Deitel is used in many Universities although it can be a much lengthier read than other C++ books such as those by Horton and Stroustrup. Having already studied other programming languages as well as C++ in college i use Accelerated C++ by Koenig & Moo which covers the most important aspects of C++ in only 300 pages. Overall if you want a thorough understanding of the language you can't go wrong with books from Dietel, Horton, and Stroustrup. :cool:
I've used C++ primer by Lippman, and Ivor Hortons Using Visual C++ 6 (it teaches the language as well as the ide).

If you can already code C, and have got your head around pointers and references, then you just need to learn Object Orientation, which is just structs with methods in really.

It's not too tricky.

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