Can you reheat mince twice?

23 May 2009
Hants/Berks Border
Advice is so contradictory!
Essentially my partner cooled off some mince and froze it
Thursday she defrosted it and used to cook cottage pie
It was left to cool overnight and stored in the fridge for tonight’s dinner
Ergo needs reheating again
Good idea?
Stovies (chopped potatoes & mince all in one pot) My mum used to make us this as kids, it got reheated 2-3 times to get used. I loved it on the third day once most of the gravy had evaporated leaving a thick, thick stodgy mix of mince and chopped potatoes - add loads of HP sauce, what a treat!
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I think each time reheating adds a degree of risk of excessive bacteria growth, but I would say twice like the situation you've described should be fine.
We had roast beef and yorkshire pudding on a Sunday and Monday -Rest of joint was put in freezer - It came out Sunday morning for Sundays roast and yorkshire puds and same monday - Tonight we have Cottage pie as I minced the remains of joint - If I am still here tomorrow I will post up.:eek:
I see a lot of these type of threads. The important thing is how you cool foods. If you cool foods slowly or they stay warm or at ambient temperature then spore forming bacteria can produce toxins.

NB no amount of reheating can destroy a toxin (unless you can get your oven up to around 650c and then you may be able to denature it!)

So don’t worry about reheating as whether you reheat well or not it’s kinda irrelevant if you’ve messed up the far more important part of cooling foods.
I regularly leave things to cool slowly overnight, at ambient temps. Then either reheat the next day, or put into fridge and reheat a day or two later.

Sounds like I'm dicing with death.
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