Can you take screenshots at a higher resolution than your display ?

10 May 2004
South UK
Im trying to take screenshots of games but is it possible to take higher res shots than my 1920x1080 monitor?

I use Nvidia Control Panel to downsample games from up to 4K to 1080, but my screenshots remain at 1080.

Is there a program that captures what the GPU is rendering rather than what the monitor is displaying?

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Well the GPU would be rendering at the resolution the monitor is set to. It won't be rendering at a higher rate otherwise it would be pointless to lower resolutions for a higher FPS.

You can downsample easily as you've said and that's because the bigger image has all of the detail and downsampling is removing detail. Upsampling (if such a word exists) would be adding detail that doesn't exist. You can probably save the file in a higher resolution but you will lose detail.

Hang on, I'm confused. I thought downsampling meant the GPU renders at a higher resolution and then 'downsamples' that image to fit the monitor so clarity/sharpness is emphasised/better.
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Was under the impression that DSR took screenshots at render resolution according to the Nvidia information but maybe I read that wrong, some games do support high resolution screenshots but you have to use the in game utility to do so, elite dangerous for example in solo mode will take 4k screenshots regardless of actual resolution settings in game.
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