Can you write?

19 Jun 2006
Swansea, Wales
Hi people,

I'm thinking about thinking about creating a magazine. It would probably start life online and then I'd see how popular it becomes. Its slant is towards men, 18-35, satirical and intelligent.

I was wondering if anyone on these forums may feel they have an untapped resource of writing skill that is going to waste! Like I say, this is just an idea at the moment but if I feel motivated by those around me then I could throw myself fully behind the project. For now, I would like to know about interested parties and maybe after a few people have said they may be interested we could throw a few ideas around.

Even if you just write one article when you can in your free time then that's fine. I want a wide range of writers to bring real character to the mag.

If you are seriously interested then post below or PM me.

Cheers guys,

19 Jun 2006
Swansea, Wales
I imagine it as a sort of discerning man's FHM. FHM just like the majority of media outlets try to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I what to pitch to an audience who is young, sociable, binge drinks, out for a good time but who at the same time watches the news every once and a while and couldn't give a crap about who got booted out BB last Friday.

Think Fight Club car wreck smashes full on into Arena magazine.
19 Jun 2006
Swansea, Wales
Oh and I better mention... I think a review section of tech and games etc would be in there somewhere so even if you're not the budding journalist but still play around a lot with tech and fancy writing a 200 words or so review then let me know.
19 Jun 2006
Swansea, Wales
[TW]Fox said:
Yea, a review section of technology products on the internet is another really good idea - its something the internet really lacks and it'd be great if we could have another site doing tech product reviews. Plus you get free stuff.

Oh you and your razor sharp wit! I think you'd be a great addition to our writing team! Please, send me your email address immediately.

Mohinder said:
You're not going very far if that's the best you can manage.

OK, I came up with this idea on the weekend. I haven't fully thought it out. I want writers input to see where it could go. I have an idea of what it will set out to achieve, however, i am not about to start writing the full mission statement for all ocuk members just yet. Cut me some slack on this please, I'm just looking for interested parties at the moment. When i have a more solid plan, i will come back and ask for opinions.
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