Canal recommendations

The Union is quite nice. Runs from Edinburgh to the Falkirk Wheel.

Seriously though, I'm intrigued, what is this gear?
UE 5 pro..

THere is a reason why almost every single professional that needs monitors uses UE ;)

Ive got the triple fi 10s and they are gobsmackingly good. ive only listened to the Etys to compare them but they are better in every way, more detail more extension etc
Slight unfair comparison given the UE5's are custom fit, but its for that reason that they will **** all over the others. UM1's were good... about 5 years ago when I first recall owning a pair but time and technology has moved on somewhat since then.

I am one of those professionals who uses IEM's on a daily basis, and typically at the moment that involves UE10s and the new 11s :)

Their support is top notch and the custom fit alone makes them a million miles better than generic ones.

My two pennies worth anyway.

Please star out any swearing
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