Cancel culture expands to real life in the USA

26 Dec 2003
A man who has not been charged or convicted of any crime suddenly found he is being refused travel by airlines and he's not being given any reason why, most Liberals (capital L because they're liberals in name only) are obviously celebrating it because they dislike his opinions and couldn't care less about defending liberal values.

So I’m on my way to a press conference to discuss how I’ve been banned from nearly all social media and tech services, and then I find out that I can’t even get there because I’ve been put on a no-fly list. This is overt political persecution. America is not a free country.

Make no mistake about it, I am being persecuted by the combined powers of the US federal government and its big business cronies. I have committed no crime yet I am censored, my bank account is frozen, and now I can’t even board a plane. All for having the wrong views.


Does anyone here find this acceptable? for me it's the sort of thing you see in authoritarian countries where they put political dissidents under house arrest to physically censor their opinions and ideas. So in Joe Biden's America, you are not only not allowed to have non-conformist opinions on the internet but you're also not allowed to travel across the country to voice them either, unless you take a 2 week road trip (for now).

Where is the corporate media outrage? they spent 4 years calling Trump a dictator/fascist every other day but not even a squeak about this, could it be they're part of the problem?
We're becoming more and more like China every day what with Boris pushing domestic passports, it's only a matter of time before non-conformists and political dissidents are systematically persecuted. Meanwhile, the sheep will still be focused on a systemic racism being pushed by corporate media that isn't backed up by any stats.

China bans 23m from buying travel tickets as part of 'social credit' system

China has blocked millions of “discredited” travellers from buying plane or train tickets as part of the country’s controversial “social credit” system aimed at improving the behaviour of citizens.

"improving the behaviour of citizens." AKA coerced conformity.

A social credit won't care what colour your skin is, you either do what is expected or suffer the consequences of a low social credit score.
It's astounding that after years of the "left" (including at times the saner members of the Republican party) complaining about this happening to all sorts of people (including IIRC ambassadors and ex leaders of allied countries under the great Trump), it's suddenly worthy of MMJ's attention.

If Trump had put even a single rent-a-mob ANTIFA member on the no-fly after he was forced by the secret service to evacuate to the Whitehouse bunker, the corporate media would have spent a solid month covering it as "he's a fascist/dictator etc" but Joe Biden's FBI can not only do that but also raid Trump's lawyer, seize all of his computers etc, which I'm sure has absolutely nothing to do with his son's laptop that prior to the election the corporate media completely suppressed because it had email communications of business dealings talking about "10% for the big man".

What baffles me is that Joe Biden seems to be everything that Trump was accused by the media of (often falsely) but both the corporate media and general populace are fine with it in his case.
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Joe Biden and the corporate media called Trump xenophobic and racist when he banned travel from China to prevent spread of COVID into the USA and now Biden is banning travel from India for the same reason, don't expect the same kind of outrage from the corporate media and those who still watch it though.

I guess it's okay to be xenophobic and racist when you have the media batting for you.
Corporate media admit pushing another fake Russia story with the raid on Trump's lawyer:

Washington Post, New York Times, and NBC News retract reports on Giuliani

I wonder if they'll give this 24/7 coverage like the initial (fake) stories, if you tell a lie citing anonymous sources and then hardly anyone sees the retraction people will believe a lie. This is the same totally honest corporate media leading the way pushing cancel culture.
Those who today claim to be oppressed have the majority of corporations and the worlds wealthiest men on their side and corporations by and large are the ones pushing stuff like cancel culture and censorship. When you have that much power and influence on your side you are not oppressed or resisting anything, unless said oppression is coming from much closer to home to enable this cancel culture and censorship to continue to expand.

Take a look at which candidate got the most corporate funding during the 2016 and 2020 US Elections, hint it wasn't Trump.
"I'm being oppressed" says some far left radical that has government, corporations, business, corporate (lamestream) media, woke police enforcing subjective hate crime laws and investigating "non crime hate incidents" all fighting in their corner.

Meanwhile, ordinary people are scared to voice traditional opinions and scientific facts in case they end up banned, censored, suspended from social media, police knocking on their door demanding to know why they said that only women can have periods, payment processors like Paypal terminating their accounts for wrongthink, their employers sacking them because they don't want to be cancelled along with them.

This oppression everyone on the left keeps talking about sounds pretty good compared to the alternative.
With your logic, the responsibility there is on the person accused of racism to change their behaviour because someone else has decided that what they are doing is wrong. That makes zero sense and gives one side all the power to change the world to fit their worldview.

Isn't that exactly what this is all about? an attempt to subvert western society from one of unique individuals who all have different views and opinions to something like China or North Korea (or even Nazi Germany) where everyone must conform to the group or party mindset, anyone seen to be stepping out of line is punished with cancel culture. Those pushing this group conformity are using issues like BLM and LGBT which in themselves are seen as 'doing good' so that anyone who fights or resists the assimilation process can be attacked as a bad individual who is racist or transphobe or whatever, which then has a chilling effect on others to tow the line.

Communists/socialists were never going to beat the west militarily, when the west opened trade with China the hope was that China would become more free like the west, not the other way around.
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OP is obviously one of those people who'd support the destruction of democracy and the establishment of dictatorships by populists like Trump and Putin.

In what way did Trump behave like a dictator?

I would argue Biden with the way the corporate media both helped him to get elected (both funding and favourable coverage) and continue to cover for him is closer to reaching dictator status, he could get away with a lot more than Trump ever could. Trump wouldn't have even been able to visit a children's school without widespread negative stories about him scaring children, how many dictators do you know who didn't have the press on their side? by contrast the way they treat Biden is all a bit too North Korea for me. Not to mention the way the Democrats have exploited January 6th protests that got a bit out of hand to militarise DC. Lets be clear, if there was ever any real attempted insurrection those involved wouldn't just be facing being put on flight ban lists.
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Biden is the one acting like Putin's puppet which is what Trump was accused of for 3-4 years?

When Obama was first elected they had the "Russian reset" followed by the Uranium One scandal, it's funny how Russia is suddenly such a good friend and trading partner whenever Democrats get into the Whitehouse.

Now better get back on topic before cancel culture kicks in and thread is closed for exposing stuff the corporate media don't report on for more than 5 secs, if at all.
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The Biden administration and Democrats are now going after their political adversaries after they were unable to stop Trump running in 2024 through their partisan impeachments. Banana republic stuff right here.

EXCLUSIVE - Manhattan prosecutors have already told witnesses to prepare to testify in front of Trump's grand jury: DA Cy Vance accelerates case - but former president's aides insist he has NOTHING
More Obama-era, Biden family cronyism which will undoubtedly go ignored by most of the corporate media, if this was Trump Jr and Trump the news cycle would be full of it.

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian real estate tycoon to overturn his bribery conviction through a massive propaganda campaign with help from VP Joe's government connections and former FBI director Louis Freeh

9mths ago Hunter Biden's laptop was just a Russia-Trump smear campaign and people were being cancelled from social media for even talking about it.

Even now when the media can no longer claim it's unverified they still ignore it...

Free press? what free press?
Thankfully the son of the US president is not an England cricketer so the law of double standards kicks in and he gets a pass from all of the media and isn't cancelled.

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n***a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n***a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism
More evidence that the "fact checkers" and corporate media have an agenda other than reporting the truth, as if Russia collusion wasn't already the canary in the coalmine for anyone not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Was Trump right about hydroxychloroquine all along? New study shows drug touted by former president can increase COVID survival rates by 200%

Trump celebrates his 'total exoneration' after report found cops cleared BLM protesters from Lafayette Square to install new security fencing and NOT so he could pose with a Bible outside church burned by rioters

and these are the coprporations leading the charge in censorship and cancel culture.
A large part of the cancel culture today is the ideologically driven censorship which occurs even on this forum, I described in the thread knocking "conspiracy theories" just 3 out of however many topics that up until recently were dismissed as conspiracy theories by corporate and mainstream media (Hunter Biden laptop, Joe Biden denying involvement as VP in Hunter's dodgy deals, Wuhan lab leak theory) and it gets removed as "nonsense".

I mean, I even provided a link.

Why aren't we allowed to talk about this sort of thing? Trump was impeached twice for much less.
Ideological censorship such as what the GOP and the programmed masses churn out with their right wing cancel culture crusade.

So you're the saying the laptop, emails and photo of the business meeting are all fake? based on what evidence? even if that's the case then why aren't "journalists" digging for the truth? why are they hell bent on covering up certain stories? Trump was impeached twice for much less.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has now confirmed that the Biden administration are directly involved in shutting down social media messaging it doesn't like.

I'm sure they won't censor anything that was obviously true, like Wuhan lab leak and Hunter Biden's laptop. Oh wait.


Just imagine the cries of fascism, dictator and threat to the constitution had the Trump administration got directly involved in censorship. What first amendment?
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