Canceling O2 contract

21 Feb 2006
Southampton, UK
evenin' guys...

I'm in the middle of my 11th month of my 12 month contract with O2 at the moment, and i would like to cancel and go with one of these flex35 contracts, seeing as i pay £35 already and i get naff all for it, i thought that it would be a much better deal for me.

So how do i go about canceling a contract with O2, can't seem to find any info on there website or anywhere.

Also i was going to go for the samsung e900, anyone using this and care to comment?

thing is, i only want to go to the flext35 option is because dialaphone is offering a free xbox 360 core pack with it aswell, so there is no way that they can offer me more, unless they give me the £299 for the full xbox pack!
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