Cancer Tatts!

15 Dec 2008
Following on from this sad, awful post - that I appreciate the response to - I'm now on the up ! No longer considered critical, just waiting for some surgery to bottle the the little **** up, and fire it in to the incinerator.

It's been a hell of a ride, and in Internet vernacular - zero stars, would not recommend.

Anyway. I have two - that I've found - tattoos from radiotherapy. They're small grey dots just above my hip-bones. I'm kinda thinking there's probably a third as they're used to line up the radio blaster (disappointing level of super-powers after it tbh).

I am sure if I just left them they'd disappear and forget about them. I don't want to however, I want to mark the occasion. So I'm looking for ideas for what I can turn them into! I'm thinking something small, but enough to remind me that yeah, I got through this. So far I have the small radioactive sign, or (if there's three) sad face, OK face, then happy face...but I have the creativness of a dinner chair.

So I thought I'd ask the internet.

Also, just to be clear, I have pretty thick skin about stuff and arguably quite a dark sense of humour so don't worry about anything like that :D

Any ideas?
Join the dots?

My dad very recently died of cancer and it was the absolute worst for everyone involved. Sudden diagnosis and little to no support right up until the last week of his life. It didn't help that like others in your other thread, getting information or a straight answer was like trying to get blood from a stone.

I don't have a serious suggestion for a tat, just glad to hear you're doing much better and the end is in sight. The good one I mean. :D
I'm sorry to hear that. I...have struggled most with the impact on the people that are important to me (All of them being my Daughter). I tend to be quite dry and ruthless though - I didn't exist for billions of years, it'll be the same.

I don't know what to say to you, I'm sorry, There's a loss there I can't brain. I did try though.
I'm sorry to hear that. I...have struggled most with the impact on the people that are important to me (All of them being my Daughter). I tend to be quite dry and ruthless though - I didn't exist for billions of years, it'll be the same.

I don't know what to say to you, I'm sorry, There's a loss there I can't brain. I did try though.
I didn't mean to derail the thread. I just put my own experience to say that I understand some very small part of what you are going through, though from a different perspective entirely, as someone who had a loved one go through something similar.
And that I'm glad your outcome is positive.

Theres nothing you need to say, just keep on winning. And maybe get that tat. :)
I'm sure someone will come up with something to add to your ideas that isn't join the dots. Maybe a little irradiated crab :cry: or an onion being triumphed over by some small stickman? Raised arms, foot on onion celebrating overcoming adversity. Maybe some footprints, celebrate the little steps you are taking that keep moving you forward even if it feels like you aren't moving where you want to sometimes. Ultimately it will be something personal to you.
Those ideas seem a bit far from small smileys though.
Does your daughter have any ideas?
I was looking for a logo of the golden shot (Bob Monkhouse, Anne Aston), Bernie the bolt. But I could not find anything.
Absolutely horrendous journey but good stuff you made it through :cool:

Tattoo idea - Simple line art style tattoo of the laser from Goldfinger zapping the area between/through the dots.
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