CandyBar & Icons question

19 Oct 2002
How Do :)

I've just purchased CandyBar & i must say i love it :D - its great working with iContainers since obviously all the links are already set up to tell the icons where they should go, but my questions is, if i download an icon pack from InterfaceLift for example, all the icons are individual and seperated into sub folders and the like...

now i can make a folder in the resources section (of candybar) at the left and drag all these sub folders in, but that leaves me with about a hundred individual icon files that need to be linked to their respective places by hand? is this the way its done?

if i was sure thats the icon set i wanted, i could maybe tolerate that as a one off, but what if i wanted to alternate you simply wouldn't end up using the standard icons and you'd just stick to iContainers...

am i missing something? or do CandyBar users only use iContainers realistically?
had a read of that but it just says how to apply them as a one off, but i was more pointing to the problem of if you wanted to alternate regularly, would it know where to put them second time round?

on a side note, been having a play with icon creation... i installed xCode from the os x discs, so that i could use Icon Composer...

i stuck all the different sized images into this app, and saved it so now there is an .icns on my desktop...

but when i stick that into candybar... it is missing some sizes (noticed when i went to the quicklook), for example the 256 which i definitely imported... (i'm assuming its better to have all the sizes individually so the dynamic resizing is slicker and more accurate? - any ideas why the .icns isn't properly compatible with CB?
If you're having trouble then you could always apply the .icn icon by putting it in the "package contents > resources" directory of a particular app.
If you're having trouble then you could always apply the .icn icon by putting it in the "package contents > resources" directory of a particular app.
i'll bear that in mind ;)

but since the icon does technically work i'll let it go and see what happens next time...

candybar is sweet as hell tho :) - mix in a nice adium mod and god DAMN my desktop looks good :D

(subliminal message: EVH get adium EVH get adium) :D



love it!
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You need a custom icon for Transmission :p;)
what would you recommend? i hadn't really looked at changing app icons yet as i reckon it'd become too big a job (kinda why i like candybar it just does it all at once...)

i reckon if i started changing app icons, it be on a massive quest to find matching app icons for EVERYTHIN, then when i changed "theme" i'd go through it again... it would become an obsession, then i'd need rehab :(
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the stamp icon was from here:

... but i edited the icon using Icon Composer since you may notice that the downloaded versions from above are blue for the 128x128 icons but revert back to the original orange for the smaller ones... i modded em to be how they should be ;) - i then loaded in the icon using CandyBar...

i also changed the dock using CandyBar, but edited the actual table-top to my liking, the original dock skin download was too dark so my version (changed by loading in a custom png) is more of a dark grey rather than piano black...

you cant see from the pic but my version has a slick wood grain ;)

the original dock download pre-modded is here:
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in fact to show you my woodgrain modded dock:


just did a quick wood texture in ps, gradients out from the middle and an overall opacity of 90% to get the reflection and bobs ure uncle ;)

i've reverted to the original separator graphic (although now i look at it it seems a wee bit blurry) so the only thing that i'm using from the downloaded dock skin is the indicators, which i think are perfect :)
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