Cannibal Holocaust

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Blimey, I only saw 25 minutes of this 'X rated, super gory, mega-BANHAMMORED-in-2344323-COUNTRIES!' film, and it was really really aweful!

Not in the 'bad' way but the content of the film was really sickening. Whilst you would expect such a film to just be a really lame guts and gore fest, the scene I saw was just.... horrible.

There were 4 Americans (3 men and one woman) in a jungle, Blair Witch style looking for tribal groups. They caught a 14-ish year old girl and filmed her documenty style saying 'Ooo we found one, they do exist :) '.

Edit - So not to 'spoil' it.

Some of my mates who watched it all the way through regret it, and you could actually see how disturbed one of them was.

Thats not to mention the footage of slicing open real animals, other almost unwatchable rape scenes and obviously torture and cannibalism that took place throughout the film.

I do like my scary or gory movies, but this just went WAY beyond that. Has anyone else seen this absolute 'car crash' of a movie? I never want to see it again
Vedder said:
Yeah I saw it about 5 years ago now, really haunting music as well but an obvious fake, apart from the animals which is all real and not needed.
Yeah, I didn't see the infamous 'tortoise' scene, thankfully. I dunno though, the human parts didn't look 'obviously fake' to me....
soundwave said:
Well if you think that's disgusting then I urge you to avoid like the plague the rest of the movies in this list...

Top 10 Sickest Movies

I'm upto number 6 so far & I'm already finding them hard going so hate to think what the next 5 (Including Cannibal Holocaust) are like, but I have them ready to watch.

Phew, at least SOMEONE else found it horrible :D
Spanker said:
Most of these kinda films don't bother tbh, just the animals scenes that i have already mentioned, but i was kinda brought up on this kinda stuff. It was the era of the video player 80's etc and was looked after by my older brother and sister so around 8ish yrs old.
You saw this when you were 8?!?! :eek:
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