Cannot get my new PC working!

18 Oct 2002
I recently got my new PC from OCUK, and I my 9700GTX arrived today. as soon as I got infrom work I fired the baby up and it started working. :D

But when it tries to load the XP CD it says:


Tried it with the 2k disc and same result.

It is a Dfi Expert and is set to boot from the CD. It spins and stuff so msut be working? One thing I have noticed is the cable that connects it is blue at one end, should this end be in the Motherboard or the drive?

Please help, I wanna play Oblivion at max settings. :D
It gets weirder.

I got a good CD from my friend and it still wouldn't boot but atleast I got an error. "Cannot find NTLDR"

Anyway I had the RAM in slots 2 and 4, took the RAM in slot 4 out, and it booted!!!

So I have 1 stick in slot 2. (orange slot on a DFI Expert).

Installed Windows and all is good until I try and download the Nforce Drivers. Corrupted file apparently when I try and install. So I install from the CD and it is fine. Same happens for the Graphics drivers, however Firefox installs fine, Teamspeak has an error saying corrupted file also.

But I installed UT2004 from the DVD and it works fine, not that I can play it online as when I download the patch, guess what..... exact same thing.

So what the hell is up with this, I have tried several combinations of memory in various slots and it still does this, Windows has been reinstalled. But Installing stuff from the CD works fine.

I have tried both sticks in all slots and it either doesn't boot or does boot and does this.

Have also tried some old Ram and it does the same, but I cannot be sure this Ram is working 100%.

So what next.

Help, this is really crap, I spend 1.5k on a PC and I can't install anything. What I will try next is copying something to the hard drive and thenh installing, rather than installing direct from the CD and see if this works.
Yes, the DFI Firewall is turned on. Will give this a go. Maybe it isn't the memory then as the mobo has a utility called Memtest86. ran this for ages, including test8 several times which is apparently the most stressful yet no errors.

Thanks for you help everyone, I will report back later. :D
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