cannot "hotwire" psu

29 Oct 2005
I don't know what im doing wrong. I connected the green wire and the black wire with a piece of fan wire, and my main 120mm psu fan spins for 1/2 a second then stops. My psu is the hiper 580W and i am trying to leak test my system :( do i have to connect up the motherboard (i hope not).


daven1986 said:
My psu is the hiper 580W
Says it all really.
It may need a load to power up, or to regulate the voltages correctly, and its shutting down because it can't keep the rails within spec.
A decent psu could keep the rails in spec without a load.
Nahh, i was saying its bad.
You'll be badmouthing it aswell when it goes pop...

It may work with just a fan attached or something, worth a try if you have one. I'll bet all it needs is a small load.
It was. I told him what the problem was and how to fix it, assuming i'm correct.

I also told him he had a rubbish psu and it may well blow up like most of them seem to in one way or another. Shame really.
They are good PSUs. Mine is good anyway and all the ones in PCs I've built :confused:. Never had a problem myself.

Anyway, as above, it's probably that you need more load on the PSU that just one fan for it to work properly. A lot of PSUs do this.
A.N.Other said:
They are good PSUs. Mine is good anyway and all the ones in PCs I've built :confused:. Never had a problem myself.

Ditto. It would seem that a few went wrong and then suddenly they're all bad PSU's that'll explode whenever they feel like it :rolleyes:
the only constant in all that is bad psu's are the q-tecs. every manufacturer has there problems at one time or another, except x-pro.

To this day, ive only ever heard of one single faulty x-pro since they were introduced, which is nothing short of amazing for a psu.
james.miller said:
the only constant in all that is bad psu's are the *-****. every manufacturer has there problems at one time or another, except x-pro.

Don't swear! :D

I had one in one of my first PC's, I believe it came with the case. I've only had 2 pieces of hardware go wrong on me - a Maxtor HDD after 2 years and one of those damned things the first time I turned it on :( :rolleyes:
james.miller said:
To this day, ive only ever heard of one single faulty x-pro since they were introduced, which is nothing short of amazing for a psu.
Was that mine? If not you can add another to the list. I had an X-Pro 400w. One day the voltage regs blew on my motherboard (second time that happened with that mobo - that was a replacement board). The motherboard took out the X-Pro with it.

You can argue both ways really. The first time it happened I was using an Antec Trueblue 480w and it came out completely unharmed. So although the X-Pro didn't cause it, it was taken out by it when the Antec wasn't. And yes all other condititions were identical, right down to the pattern of the scorch marks on the back of the mobo, and the flux oozing out of the joints of the voltage regs to the board.

I've since gone back to using the Antec in my main rig, but am quite happily using the replacement X-Pro I got in my server so don't get me wrong I do trust it.
daven1986 said:
I don't know what im doing wrong. I connected the green wire and the black wire with a piece of fan wire, and my main 120mm psu fan spins for 1/2 a second then stops. My psu is the hiper 580W and i am trying to leak test my system :( do i have to connect up the motherboard (i hope not).



I have the Hiper 580 Type-R and I have the same problem. It seems they don't hotwire so I grabbed an old 200 watt thing that was in a PC I aquired after someone threw it in a dump (Motherboard, PSU, P3 CPU in a case). Hotwired and leaktested with that :).

Dunno if people have problems with their Hiper's but mines just lovely and maintains pretty damn accurate voltage, oh and it doesn't make any noise :D
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