Canon 17-40L + Full Frame = Disappointing Results

18 Oct 2002
I've been using my Canon 6D and 17-40L for a week now and the results are pretty disappointing.

1 : CA control from the middle to the edge of the frame is very poor.
2 : Sharpness from the middle to the edge of the frame is poor.

I shoot mostly at F8 and F11 and was expecting more from this lens. I have a Sigma 8-16mm used on Canon 20D and it’s much better, even at lower apertures. Although it’s not full frame so not a complete fair comparison.

CA can easily be fixed in Lightroom but sharpness is something else.
Is anyone else with this lens getting similar results?

This example shot shows the above - Untouched RAW shot, 17mm, 1/50, F11 and ISO 100.

Perhaps I'm expecting too much and shouldn't be viewing a 20mp image at 100%.
A quick auto tone & CA removal in LR and sharpen in PS brings improved results.

The LR lens correction profile is applied to both of the above images. It is probably adding to the out of focus edges, as it slightly stretches the corners to flatten the distortion.
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My 17-40 is way sharper than that.
Have you tried micro adjustments?

A 17mm focal length, F11 Aperture and a focus distance of aaprox 10 meters pretty much removes any minor focus point errors. The hyperfocal distance is 0.9 meters.

As you using Full Frame?
Can you post unedited edge of frame examples?
I've spent a little editing the file and i'm happy with the results from the lens. Note to self - don't view unedited images at 100%.

This is the full photo - re-sized to 25% of the original. ** Yes I know the horizon is titled :p

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