Canon 1Ds MKII and 600mm F4

18 Oct 2002
Following on from this thread :

After months of searching and bidding I've finally got a Canon 1Ds and a 600mm F4 .......... scale model, for just £70 :)
Some of them were going for silly money; the other day one went for £360 :eek:

This what they look like - it'll be sitting on my desk at work.

yak.h'cir said:
You just made me buy one!

£75 buy it now, get in!
130037972017? I had that on my watch list for a couple of days and couldn't make up my mind :o
A toy! Its a beautiful model marking 30million pounds in EOS system sold globablly.

It is a hand crafted limited edition pair of Canons two top guns that will retain a hell of a lot of value and contiune to hold value on it.

side note, I believe the focus ring moves too :P
morgan said:
how many of those were made? hope it wasnt too many....

I wanted to know that as well, but i never did find out! :(

Cool toy though, just make sure it doesn't go missing from your work desk!
dod said:
130037972017? I had that on my watch list for a couple of days and couldn't make up my mind :o

Thats the one. Saw these ages ago and really wanted one but they were all selling for hundreds. I'm sure they're only going to increase in value as well as time goes on!
that is COOL!!!
£70 is not too bad :)
will these seriously increase in value over time?

Fstop11, i didn't know there's an apple reseller in Albert docks!!
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