Canon 70-200 L F4 less than 300 in USA :(

15 Jul 2006
In Amazon USA they have them for less than £300!! Pity they dont ship abroad. At that price it could be tempting to nip over there for a day on a super cheap flight and buy a few!!

Does anyone know of a US company that ships to the UK or does it simply not work out cheaper due to tax, etc?
I have just paid £380 for mine which i thought (and still do) was a bargain... but under £300 :o

might be worth it to note that there is probably still local sales tax to pay on that?
Legally, anything you buy or import from a non EU country is subject to 17.5% VAT and the relevant duty. Trying to get around this is tax evasion so I doubt discussion of it will be welcome here.
xolotl said:
Legally, anything you buy or import from a non EU country is subject to 17.5% VAT and the relevant duty. Trying to get around this is tax evasion so I doubt discussion of it will be welcome here.

Nobody said anytyhing about it, dont forget import tax too if your going to be all proper.

Its hardly rocket science on how to beat the system, most of us have done it and will do it again unitl ripoff britain changes, therefore no further dicussion needed.
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