Canon 70-300 IS Recall

28 Dec 2002
Has anyone sent their lense off to be fixed as i've got one of the faulty batch and i'm wondering if it worth it? I can't personally notice any problem but i would probably view any minor image issues as due to my photographic skills. Does anyone know how to check for the problem?
Copy from the canon web site
Thank you very much for your patronage of our products.

We recently informed you of a phenomenon in which some images captured by the EF 70-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM lens appear in insufficient resolution. This phenomenon may be seen at the edge of the frame at the 300mm setting when the camera is held vertically.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience that this phenomenon has caused for customers who use this lens and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We have now determined the cause and have developed the remedy.

Affected Products:
This phenomenon affects all EF 70-300 f/4-5.6 IS USM lenses with a “0” or “1” in the third digit of the (8 digit) serial number. Products that have a third digit of “2” or higher in their serial number are not affected.

It sounds like the problem you were mentioning not a new one but i'm still wondering whether to return the lense or not
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