Canon 80d AF

3 Jan 2003
Has anyone here used the Canon 80d to shoot video using the AF? (and don't say you shouldn't be shooting video using AF :) )

The dual pixel AF on the Canon does look really good, but how good is when your trying to film your kids running around the garden etc.
also some of the video I have seen on youtube seems a bit soft compared to my Panasonic G7 at 1080p.

The G7 is a really nice camera 4k and 1080p video is very good, but it can struggle with AF in video (stills AF is very quick).
I am probably expecting too much of the AF, and I have been thinking about getting a wide angle lens for the greater DOF.
currents lens is 42.5mm f1.7 and the 12-42mm kit lens.

thought please :-)
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