Canon Av mode with 430EX - handheld possible?

15 Jul 2006
Been playing about with the 430ex lately on the normal mode I use on my 20D - the Av mode. I understand I can fix the shutter at 250 in the options menu but the pictures come underexposed. Trying normally in Av mode even at 1.8 using my 50mm 1.8 lens, the shutter speed in a normally lit room at night sits around 1/10-20 which results in slight blur, etc.

Is it possible to use Av mode with the flash set to the same exposure that automatic uses? I believe in Av mode the flash is used differently but cant remember the mode it uses - fill flash or something? Is it possible to just make it act normally like it does with the P mode as these exposures come out fine but I cant set the aperature :(
In Av or Tv the camera will meter for ambient light and just use the flash for fill. If you want more control use M, it's not scary once you realise how the flash operates. You dial in the aperture you want to give the DoF you want, pick a shutter speed which suits (I tend to go with between 1/60s and 1/125s) and hit the button. The flash will output the light necessary to correctly expose the scene.
Nail on head by rpstewart. Just a shame that the Canon manuals are hopeless at explaining how the flash works (well the manual for my 420ex certainly is useless)
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