Looking for a quick bit of knowledgeable advice. Picking up a used G5 or S2 IS for a friend who is a former hobbyist, though not done much for a while. Mainly outdoor/good-light work.
I`ve used a Canon G1 in the past and found it pretty solid and reliable. Not looking for particularly modern, prefer better depth of functions on older model. Can find a G5 or S2 IS now in the range of 120GBP. Suggestions of low-light problems for the S2 are the main thing putting me off, in case it was used at night occasionally.
Any further input appreciated. Thanks.
I`ve used a Canon G1 in the past and found it pretty solid and reliable. Not looking for particularly modern, prefer better depth of functions on older model. Can find a G5 or S2 IS now in the range of 120GBP. Suggestions of low-light problems for the S2 are the main thing putting me off, in case it was used at night occasionally.
Any further input appreciated. Thanks.