Canon Kit lens busted

21 Jan 2006
Just noticed the lens that came with my 350D has whent belly up. It is refusing to focus just makes a tint movement and gives up. It's the EF55mm-200mm II USM that came as part of the kit. It's about 6 months old and was bought through pixmainia. Who do i need to contact about getting it fixed and whats the rough time it will take?
Thinking about it I've always thought that lens was a bit slow from the begining (bu**ered from the start?) or is it just these entry level lenses?

I normally buy the higher end sigma, tameron lenses (and a canon IS lens) But the kit was so cheap at the time :rolleyes:
Well that was quick. Without taking any details of camera/lens etc just a quick description of fault they are going to email details of local/approprate repair centre..

Which is Basically Canon (UK) RCC or Fixation.. Away to call them just now, think i'll prefer fixation as i've heard many a time they are FAST!
Cheers for the help guys, never had to send off a faulty canon product before so a bit noobie in this area.

Got it sent off tonight, been quoted 4 days once there.
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