Canon Powershot S80

13 Nov 2003
Anyone got any experiences with this camera ?

Thinking of getting it as sick of lugging big SLR round with me all the time. :rolleyes:

Any points of view appreciated.


i have an s54 which is the older slower less good version of the s80 - if youd like some shots from it id be more than happy

the manual features are ok but tbh it works better as a point and shoot cam for when your out with your freinds - the video mode is good on the s80 etc etc

still imo no replacement for a dslr
DPReview said:
I was ready to blast Canon for another pointless upgrade, but as the review progressed I started to appreciate that this was not just a worthwhile upgrade, it was probably the first time I've found a PowerShot I'd actually lay out my own money for.
It's highly recommended.
Read the full review here:

Having had the s60, I can say that's it's a pretty damn good quality camera by all accounts. So far it has survived 2 years of being on me day-to-day, produces nice contrasty and sharp images and has most features that are on my 300D. To say it's in there with 'take out to a club' type compacts is to do is a dis-service in my opinon it's better than that.
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