Canon zoombrowser users, Help.

9 May 2005
So here's the tale...

I just got myself a replacement for my Ixus V which was running the old zoombrowser 2.7 which looks like so....

Now I quite liked the format, only my camera pictures are shown.

So I got a new Ixus 800 IS today and installed the updated software, the problem is when I boot it up it shows all the pictures on my pc that are in the my pictures folder of the C drive. Some of those are not suitable for the inlaws to see when the Mrs shows our holiday snaps. :D

So I thought I would just delete those folders but sadly that removes them from the HDD.

Can the newer Zoombrowser be configured to run like I have the old one above, to just show my camera folder as above??

I hope that makes some sense. Basically I just want zoombrowser to be able to show my pictures from the camera not the contents of my HDD.
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