Can't access files on old drive - help

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
My mate has had a breakdown with his hard drive and he's put a new boot drive in. He has now got access to his old drive by putting it in an external USB2 case and he can see the files. However he can't do anything with them because the message "Access Denied, You Don't Have Permission" is shown.
He's tried to right click and gone on to Sharing and Security but can't do anything from there and gets "Error Occured, Access Denied".
He's using XP Professional.

Any ideas?
some1 told me to do this once. it worked.

From the OTHER windows install...

Right click on the drive in question and select Properties, then goto the Security tab.

If you do not have a security tab then you must disable simple file sharing first. To do this open a My Computer window, goto Tools, and then Folder Options, View tab, scroll to bottom and untick "Use Simple File Sharing" Click Apply and then OK.

Re-open the properties window for the folder, Security tab. On this tab you'll see all the accounts which have access to the drive. Click the Advanced button, goto the Owner tab, you should see your current account listed, double-click on it. The Owner field should now have your account name in it, click OK. Back the security tab click the Add button and add the same account name you did at the Owner tab, tick Full Control and then click Apply.

You should now have full access to all folders/files on the drive.

Just a reminder, if you have XP Home Edition you CANNOT disable Simple File Sharing, so to get access to the Security tab you must boot up in Safe Mode, and then follow the steps above.
So long as he didn't use Encryption on his files the above method will work just fine.
If he did use the built in file encryption then I'm afraid it is time to say goodbye to his data....
stoofa said:
So long as he didn't use Encryption on his files the above method will work just fine.
If he did use the built in file encryption then I'm afraid it is time to say goodbye to his data....

He followed the instructions above to the letter, he didn't have any luck up until 6pm and he said he didn't encrypt.
Apparently he is a member and he might make an appearance himself.
He tried over and over using all the suggestions given above.
Today he decided to plug an external Firewire drive in and all of a sudden the tree for the defective HD came up in his file manager :confused:
He then went to the Properties and saw a box he was unable to tick before and he could tick it this time. :confused:
He rebooted and got access to his files :D
One major backup later, old drive in the bin and he's happy.
Why he should only get access when plugging a Firewire drive in is beyond us though.
He thanks you all.
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