Can't afford school meals for kids, but billions for homebuyers, sure!

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6 Oct 2009
YABBTBH: Yet Another Boomer Bashing Thread By Haco :D

Motion for free school meal for kids was defeated, we can't afford to feed our kids.


Stamp duty holiday for home buyers (cost £4b)? Sure.
Keep triple lock (costing £20 billion next year)? Sure.
Any other policy that benefits the rich and well-off generation? Sure.

And people wonder why there is intergenerational resentment in this country.
Why should the government be feeding people's kids??? You want to bring kids into the world, then you bloomin' well feed them not the taxpayer.

Yeah, of course. Children going hungry? Don't deserve help, up to the parents who brought them into the world. Who cares about kids? What kind of monster would want to feed kids in school?

However, people buying a £499k home do deserve a tax break, because life would be too difficult on them otherwise. Correct priorities for the government.
This, people who can't afford kids shouldn't just keep breeding.

Every thread you raise OP is about how hard done by you are, I was brought up to work hard if I wanted nice things and you know what I have, why should I pay extra tax to pay for some slackers kids to get fed because they've spent their 'hard earned' JSA or UC on Sky TV, mobile phones and tablets

I'm personally incredibly privileged, my generation? Not so much. Kids (subject of this topic), even worse.

As for why tax money should go to benefit kids in education and child welfare in general, because good education is necessary for a country to remain competitive on the global stage. And because the government has a responsibility towards protecting children. Do you think children of irresponsible parents deserve to be hungry?
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Wah Wah Wah, government not giving me everything for free. Me no want to work to pay for things. Government pay food for kids. Need free food. waa waa waa.

There is already a benefit system in place for those facing hardship,, the government already provide funding to raise children, those who most need support will receive it already. This free school meals nonsense will be going to those who may necessarily not need it and very likely won't be deserving of it. Responsibility to raise children MUST be on the parents, not the taxpayer.

Having children is a responsibility not a right.

Yeah, the 2-16 year old kids have to work to eat. They don't deserve to just get fed for free. Do you hear yourself?

Feeding children doesn't take away parental responsibility, it just feeds the child so that they can perform better in school. You can't punish the child for the parent's irresponsibility. The child deserves a change to make a good life for themselves. Part of that is to eat in school so they can learn.
I think you'll find the government have already given the money it takes to feed and clothe children but the parents don't spend it on that and this is why you'll never get rid of people with hands out asking "please can I have some more", until they are forced to buy the essentials they'll continue to fritter it away on luxury items (yes I'm including tobacco and alcohol in that) and then hope someone will bail them out with schemes like free meals.

Until we have some sort of test to allow people to breed then kids will be born to lifes eternal spongers who will keep taking and taking until it's stopped being given to them. Unfortunately it's against someone's human rights to stop them breeding but nobody has thought of the human rights of the unborn child who will endure years of hardship because of the gravy train their parents choose to try and hop on.

This money is not paid to parents, it was about directly feeding children through school meals.

What was the cost for this? I would pay more taxes to make sure every child had at least one good meal a day.

About £20m per week.
I don't. It's eagerly fueled by posts like yours.

You could have focused on the issues, but instead you chose to judge people solely by their age.

The issues primarily harm one generation and benefit another, again and again and again. Pretending there’s nothing to see won’t make it go away.
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