Can't change down & lever in first gear floppy

2 May 2004

Haven't had a chance to look myself yet, but on the way to work this morning my bike only seemed to want to change up. When trying to go down the lever would just be floppy. The last roundabout before work was interesting in 6th :p

There isn't any grinding or anything and it was working perfectly on Friday plus it changes up smooth enough. Only thing I did was clean it over the weekend.

When pulling out this morning, the gear lever was already floppy in first. Normally I can tell it's in first as you can't press the lever down anymore, but this morning it was floppy like it wanted to change down.

I had a quick glance over in the work car park this morning and there isn't anything obviously wrong.

Any ideas?

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Just had another quick look at lunch and:
- Adjuster nuts on the gear lever are tight
- Adjuster nuts on the clutch lever are tight
- Gear lever looks fine, movement is ok (normal, it's something I usually glance over and grease)
- Clutch lever feels normal and recently greased

Inside the front sprocket always gets ridiculously dirty, so could be that. Although I did clean in there thoroughly in the summer when I changed the chain & sprocket. I'll have another look though.

Now the question is, do I get a GSXR 600, or a Speed Triple R (the Speed Triple R, despite having almost double the torque and more HP is half the insurance purely because it's naked :rolleyes:). I'm getting a bit tired of fixing my Hornet all the time! My only worry is that once I get used to the extra power of the Speed Triple it'll essentially feel the same as my Hornet (upright-ish, naked, etc.) whereas the GSXR will be a different ride altogether.
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What made you choose a sportsbike as another option? just asking because if you are bored of the hornet then as much as the STR will be night and day difference in terms of power over the Hornet if you are bored of a naked you will still get bored of the Triumph :D
The constant abuse from the wind got boring fast for me personally riding a Street Triple.

Have you test rode both?

Not bored at all really, just want a new bike :p

I'd like to go for a sports bike as it'll be so different from what I currently have. Different position, speed, fully faired and just a totally different experience rather than just going to the Speed Triple R which I'd imagine, after getting used to the power, would be quite similar? It certainly felt very familiar when sitting on it.

I haven't test ridden either yet, but have sat on both and love both!

Test rode the street triple and got bored of the wind blasting pretty quick. What about something inbetween, like a VFR?

You can stick a screen on though can't you? It surely wouldn't be much worse than the Hornet in terms of wind blast?

I think it was a VFR I had a go on a couple of years ago. Nice bike, very smooth power compared to the Hornet I found. It just doesn't wow me though. Don't know what it is, just doesn't do it for me.

you'll get bored of a 1 litre after a while,fast yes but boring to ride imo,plus you have to feed it constantly with fuel

sensible head would fix the hornet and ride it forever:D

Part of me is tempted to ride the thing until it falls apart or tries to kill me :D
Oh yes & more on the problem...

Got it home today. It'll go into first eventually and then clicks up to neutral quite easily. It almost feels as though the gear lever is just loose. I'll have to have a look at how to adjust it.

Stopped for petrol on the way home and it was fine in the petrol station, it even went 'solid' when I clicked down into first (i.e. didn't stay loose, so I could tell it was in first) and then into neutral fine and back into first, no problems.

So it's a bit intermittent at the moment, almost like I have to move it in a very particular way to gear down.

test ride them and see what you feel

I regret buying my zx10r,my zx6 is perfect,ill just ride n ride it and not worry about clocking the miles up

you want something with a screen on though or full fairing,keeps you nice and dry

I've emailed Triumph for a test ride so I'll see what they say. Closest Suzuki that test rides is a while away, but I guess I should ride out there and try one if I'm going to spend that sort of money :p. Hopefully my age doesn't cause any problems. I've had my licence long enough - almost 3 years now, but still under 25.
Did you check all the gear linkage? And rod? Something like a but or bolt could have vibrated loose? Seems strange though

Might be worth phoning round for insurance quotes before you buy the bike

Yeah, GSXR insurance is expensive, but affordable. Speed Triple R is half the insurance for more power and a bigger engine :rolleyes:. Both alright though.

Yeah, I've had a look around at all that and it all looks ok, nothing changed at least. I've not take anything apart to look yet, but externally nothing is loose or fallen off. Tis an odd one.

Really does just feel like something is loose, but I can't see what. I'd almost bet nothing is broken. Hornet is just being a ***** because I'm looking at new bikes :p
Chain is good.

I figured out today that to change down I need to lift the gear lever slightly first to the top of it's movement, then I can gear down. Shifting up is also starting to be a bit dodgy now.

Might just end up taking it into the shop, although I do want to have a look myself first when I get some time at the weekend.
Have you looked at how much insurance is for a 750 GSXR? I love my Suzuki's but if I was to get a 600 it would be a ZX6R most likely, and going for the 750 will feel like a really big jump in power compared to a Hornet, and will wee all over a STR ;):D

Just had a quick look now and one of the insurance companies is offering insurance on the 750 Moto GP edition for £100 LESS than the 600. I love it when insurance companies make absolutely NO sense. This is on the Moto GP edition, so would be even cheaper if I just told them it's a standard GSXR with some addons (which it is).

So, yes a 750 is an option! :D

Yeah definitely sounds like a selector fork has borked.....

Yeah a 2013 ZX6R would be sexual, in WSBK colours, yes please.

I didn't factor in what year GSXR's you have been looking at? just assumed newer ones if you were looking at a STR also.

Hmmmm how would I confirm that's the issue & is it easy to fix myself? Or one of those things best just left to a garage to do?

I'll check out the ZX6Rs now. They're not bikes I've ever really looked at. v nice from the pics though

Also, I'm currently looking at new, 2015 models.

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If its a selector fork its not an easy fix, take it to the nearest garage for diagnostics and a quote. I'd advise you to get it looked at ASAP.


I'm going to have a better look tomorrow as I'm off work and see if I can see anything obviously wrong once the front sprocket etc. is exposed. If I can't see an issue I guess I'll take it to the local garage.

but its a Honda,it never goes wrong?

maybe it will fix itself

True, I might just pretend that's how you're supposed to change gear and absolutely nothing is wrong :D
Sounds expensive, but I still have hope! I still think something is just loose or something more simple is broken.

It'll go into gear every time and when changing gears there is absolutely no problem, but to get the gear lever to actually click up or down, I first have to move it, almost like taking the slack off.

So to change down I gently lift the gear lever, then it'll change down (or if I'm in first already then it'll go 'solid'). To change up, I gently push the lever down, then it'll change up no problems.
how many miles has the hornet done and when was last oil change?

i think there's a return spring inside the gearbox attached to the lever isn't there? not sure

Hornet has done about 32k now I think, it's a 2005.

Last oil change was April 2014 and it's done probably 2k miles since then I reckon, definitely not a lot of miles.

It was nice Castrol Power 1 Racing 4T 10W/40 stuff.

It certainly feels like something like a spring has just popped off, compressed itself or got bunged up with dirt and can't move.

Can I just unscrew the side and see into the gearbox to find out if it's something like that? Or is even something like the return spring a pain to replace?
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I've just managed to find a couple of threads on the Honda forums with almost identical problems. Some fixed by taking the gear lever apart and clean/regrease particularly under the rubber at the ends, so I'll give that a go tomorrow. I've not really had a chance to have a really good look at the issue, so it'll hopefully still be something simple.
idk much about gearboxes tbh

found this tho seems similar?

Hah that's weird, I literally just found that a few mins ago! Thanks :)

Yes, that problem sounds identical, so could be an easy fix or could be something broken inside. Hopefully the gear lever just needs cleaning and re-lubing. This winter has been particularly bad for salt & dirt around here, so I wouldn't be surprised if a proper clean and dismantle of the lever works.

Haha true, depends on skill level and the bike really, some bikes you can see the gearbox if you take the sump off, on the GSXR you couldn't :(

You could take the sump of Craig and see if there is anything dislodged in there, and you might be able to see into the gearbox and see if you can notice any damage to any of the dog bones or selectors.

Thanks, will give it a go tomorrow if messing with the gear lever doesn't fix it
lol yeah, I noticed that, part of why I never really bother to go on there!

Another question - can I just unscrew the whole gear lever/foot peg area and pull it off? Do I need to be careful or any adjustments or anything like that or is it simple?


Took the gear lever off and the ball joint at the front of the lever was basically seized (the bit under the rubber cover). Squirted a load of grease in there and it eventually freed up completely. Also did the other side and pivot bolt while it was all off.

100% perfect now :)

Thank you all for the help/suggestions etc.
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