Can't decide on a Deathadder or finding a G400

12 Dec 2010
I used a Copperhead for years, which i loved but it broke 2-3 years back and since then i was using a crappy Tescos value mouse until a Logitech G5 was given to me, which broke aswell (the random disconnect problems got to the point where it wouldn't connect at all). I'm back to using the value mouse now and it's just useless for gaming.

I've been reading a lot of random reviews saying that the G400 and Deathadder are fairly similar, meaning that the Deathadder can't justify it's price. Knowing that, i went looking for G400 (which are apparently meant to be budget these days) and they aren't much cheaper than the Deathadders anywhere.

overclockers don't even sell them anymore, whilst hotukdeals has had them listed for as low as £7 but more commonly £19-25 in the past year but nothing recent.

Please help me to decide, i'm just getting back into FPS gaming and i find myself doing crap things in order to accommodate my **** mouse i got from a bargain bin.
I went for a deathadder and i think it is worth every penny i spent on it. The extra button are surprisingly useful. More than you would think anyway
FWIW I went for the blackadder black edition recently - tried a friends before committing and was sold immediately!
From what I've seen the G400 is discontinued so all those great deals you saw were mostly stock clearance and what is left is priced pretty high as often happens with products no longer made. Logitechs prices seem to be on an upward trend as well so their prices now likely don't match older reviews.

I've had a Death Adder Black Edition for a while now and have no complains, it has lasted well, still works perfectly and the software is quite decent as well. There are other mice around the £50 price point but I've honestly not tried any of them so can't really help there. I dislike gimmicky lights so the Black Edition was perfect. It also seems to be the cheapest so thats the one I'd go for as the 2013 one is usually a fair bit more expensive.

As a mouse is something you use every time you use your computer, £50 isn't really a huge amount of money. So I say buy one, give it a try, if you don't like it then DSR it back.
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After reading a few comparisons, i think i've decided to fork out the extra £15 for the 2013 edition due to apparent longer durability, and being as i very rarely treat myself. I may aswell go all out. :)

Unless of course someone can give me a genuine good reason not too (other than the obvious i don't need 6400dpi).

What's the best mousemat for it? I'm the kind of guy who is tight with money and won't spend anything, then as soon as i spend a little, i want to spend more. :)
I'd be surprised if it was any more durable but like you say it is nice to treat yourself once in awhile.

Never used a mouse mat with mine, works perfectly on my desk.
You're probably right to be fair (it's hard to find any mouse that someones not complained about them breaking, and i'm sure there's just as many that moan about the 2013 version).

Oh well, and i haven't played with a mousemat for ages and i've got an old razer one here that i bought with my copperhead close to 8 years ago now, so i'll just use my desk because it's what i'm used too.

Many thanks for the advice. Will be ordering within the next hour, hopefully i'll be guaranteed to get it tomorrow.
I've used g400 for over a year now and it's a great mouse for the price. At the time I paid roughly 23 pounds at OCUK. But the ergonomics of the mouse don't fit everyone, I muchly prefer ergonomic mouse e.g. Steelseries Ikari, qpad 5k etc.


I strongly don't recommend steelseries, roccat and razer mouses...
Logitech and Corsair have nice quality mouses.
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Deathadder 2013 is best gaming mouse around.... expensive tho :)

I use QcK+ mouse mat with mine and it's been flawless since day of release!

I use 800dpi and 1000hz
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