Can't figure out if problem is with CPU or Motherboard

11 Jan 2020
Hi there,

I ordered an MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX from overclockers to pair with a Ryzen 5 3600 cpu. After the new build I can't hit post and a red led on the motherboard lights up indicating an issue with the CPU. Built it three times now, had a more techy friend come over and check all the connections were correct and he even had the latest MSI b450 tomahawk max bios update on a USB drive we attempted; but there was no indication of any function and he left the pc the same way it was before he arrived. He says he'd bet it was a doa motherboard, but I think it could be the CPU or an error we've overlooked building and rebuilding the thing. Is there a way for me to check the motherboard's functionality and being certain there is an issue there before a return or does anyone have any other advice I can try?
As there is no mention of a gfx card in the OP post and he is using a 3600 cpu my money is on this being the problem :)

Sorry I forgot to mention, EVGA 1660 super is my gfx card.

Tried a different USB with a BIOS update, we got flashing lights with basic components and looked like the update was working this time. Breadboard build, turned on power after update to the same result; solid red LED indicating issue with CPU. Checked all the CPU pins and the socket and looks perfect. Tried an older version of the BIOS update but same again.

Trying to get someone to loan my a spare CPU or mobo this week.
Installation of a Ryzen 5 2600 CPU, which works fine in my friends PC, also results in a solid red led light indidicating issue with CPU. I feel I'm safe to ask for a return/refund or replacement after these steps?
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