Can’t find button on sony remote

When the virtual keyboard pops up, it is bottom right. If the keyboard doesn't pop up the. Use the up down on the center button until it does
We just got a sony and it came with 2 remotes, have u checked the other one.
One was IR as normal and the other is some form of bluetooth I believe
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Hi @Bassmansam I've got the same remote/similar TV.

When I go to enter the wifi password, the on screen keyboard appears automatically. I was able to make it disappear. Then I scrolled down the show password box, clicked select, and the onscreen keyboard appeared again.

We just got a sony and it came with 2 remotes, have u checked the other one.
One was IR as normal and the other is some form of bluetooth I believe
Our Sony is coming up for 3 years old. It came with one remote which is both BT and IR. I need to buy a new one though, the dog thinks it's a bone :D
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