Can't get Audigy 2zs to work

12 Mar 2006
N.E England
just recieved my Audigy 2 ZS fully uninstalled my on board drivers and grabbed the latest ZS drivers thought it would be a walk in the park, boy i was wrong ive set my analouge speakers into the soundcard properly i do not have my breakbox setup yet but surely the soundcard should work fine without it, all im getting is distorted sound what can i do about it this is highly annoying now.
Couple of suggestions - make sure the onboard is disabled in the bios, and try the new drivers from creative released last week. Check the jacks are in the right holes too. Failing all else try it in another PCI slot.
For some reason the soundcard will work fine until i plug in the Black rear speaker jack then it all goes to pot and the sound is totally garbled and distorted whats wrong with it :confused: .
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