Cant get my Sonos just right!

28 Mar 2005
Hi All,

Ive just moved to a new home, which is much larger than my 1 bed flat ive come from.

Im trying to make the downstairs sound awesome. Ive got plenty of Sonos One's, AMP, 1 x Play 5, 1 x Playbar and 2 x Play:1's, and a Sub

Currently im setup to run

1 x Playbar, 2 x Play:1's and Sub in a 5.1 Surround setup.

Ive attached a floor plan of what I have where. Any advice on what to move or change to tune it up.

It seems at the moment I just hear everything coming from the Playbar setup with a hint of Play 1 from the kitchen. How would you guys do it?

The Circles are Ones, or Play:1 if opposite the Playbar.


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