cant install megahalems cooler please help

23 Mar 2007
hi im having great difficulty installing this cooler, i have installed am2 rentition back plate fine feels a little loose but its common by looking thru the forum, i put the he help?at sink on after spreading my artic 5 on the cpu, but i just cant put the last bracket on that goes thru the middle of the cooler, the cooler slides all over the place on the thermal paste, the screws just dont seem to go into the holes on the bracket, tried to put 1 side in then the other side wont go arghhhhhhhh can someone help?

finally!!!!!! did not realize just how hard you have to push down the middle bar to hold the whole thing on!! i feel tired after putting that in hard work
had to take my side case fan off as the side panel on my antec 1200 would not go on lol dam thing, i found with this mega tho that only putting thermal paste on the cpu has given me better results, in the instuctions it says to put it on the bottom of the heatsink to, my phenom is idle at 30c which im very happy with
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