Can't Play Oblivion with a 6800LE ?

7 Jul 2006
No Matter what I do, I can't get a playable framerate.
I had to go back to stock pipelines on the Card as with the unlocked ones I had artifacts in the game.

I already set all setings to low & small textures - graphic looks cr@p now but still no more than approx 5fps.

Any ideas?
Yes CPU Temp is fine @ 40 Celsius

I just used driver cleaner & then installed the latest nvidia driver.

I now get 1k less in 3dmark 03 :confused:
Sorry. GPU Temp is fine aswell @52 Celsius

Thing is i just completed the game "Prey" and it ran with all settings on high without any problems
I noticed that once I put the DVD in it takes about 2 minutes for the autoplay menue to come up.

So I tried a nocd patch but no improvement in the game.

I have all settings to the lowest possible.

The game loads pretty quick.

But once I start a "new game" - in the character selection screen I'm getting low fps.

Once in the game even the mouse cursor in menues moves very slowly & I have to click on the options various times.

I'm out of ideas
I ocd the CPU yesterday.

Still the same. It didn't make a difference at all.

I will try to reinstall the game..

as all other games work perfectly fine.
I upgraded to a x1800XT today.

Still the same problem :mad:

I've read on various forums that it can be something to do with the mouse driver ????

Regardless of what settings i set I always get 4 FPS.
I found the "problem" yesterday.
Altough having a PCI Express Card
I played with the AGP Settings in the Bios. (Set everything to Maximum)

Started the GAme - High Settings ~75 FPS :p

It didn't affect any other games, 3dmark06 Score stayed the same .

I also put the 6800le back in to test it - game works fine - High Settings ~30 FPS.
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