Can't turn key

15 Nov 2010
Hey guys, I've noticed recently that the key hasn't been going in so easily and last week I had quite a problem getting the key back out. Anyway today I'm trying to get the keys back but somethings stopping it, seems like it's about 95% of the way in.. I've tried wiggling in all kids of ways but I'm having no luck. Am I having a derp moment? any advice?

spray some wd40 down the key slot and try,if you do get the key out look at it and makesure its not bent or twisted,straighten it if it is
Remember to lube the ignition with some oil as well, WD will clear it out of any lubricant and will just cause more problems later on.
Lithium grease is the stuff to use. :)

No it is not, you shouldn't get grease anywhere near a lock. That will gunk it up in no time, and you end up with grease all over your key which is lovely to have in your pocket.

WD40 is absolutely fine for lubricating an ignition lock as it contains a light oil which is all that is needed. Graphite powder is supposed to be the best stuff since it's a dry lubricant, but for exposed locks like a bike ignition WD40 works very well.

Don't forget fuel tank aswell - last thing you want is your key getting stuck in there!

A very good point, the locks on tanks are quite prone to getting water in them so regular (i.e. every month or two) lubrication is a good idea.
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