Can't Uninstall Explorer 7 - Help!

20 Apr 2004
Here's my problem.

I installed Explorer 7 beta on build 7.0.5296.0 on my PC. I had a few issues but nothing serious but then gave my PC to my parents and bought a lap top.

They're on diap up and have had more issues with it then me (changing backgrounds / screen savers causing crashes - a known problem with this build) so I thought I'd uninstall it...

No chance.

If I try and uninstall via the control panel it asks me to log back in as the user that installed it. - Problem, this user has been deleted now.
If I try running '%windir%\$NtUninstallie7bet2p$\spuninst\spuninst.exe' I get the same problem.
MS have now changed the beta download build and if I try to reinstall with this as the new user it asks me to uninstall the old one first.
I cannot (have spent quite a while now) find a download of build 7.0.5296.0 to reinstall as this user so I can take it off.

Could do with some advice as I'm not in a position to reinstall Windows and all the associated gubbins.
Matt-Page said:
I don't have it installed, nor have i even seen it yet, but i would imagine that User you deleted is stored somewhere for the application to remember.

Try searching the registry for an entry of the username, in a IE7 key. (Start > Run > regedit > [Enter] DON'T delete things you need, or you will have problems)

Failing that, could you not re-create that account and try to uninstall it?


I've had a few searches for the key but I've not been able to track it down. I did try recreating the account (Same name) but it still didn't let me uninstall giving the same reason as above.
Figured out a solution.

I removed

condition = SingleOp,NoSort.UserMustBeSameAsInstall.Section

From the uninstall spuninst.inf file so it didn't do the check.

All works a treat now.
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