Captain Kirk doesn't really like space.

11 Jan 2007
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William Shatner recently went into space and I don't think he really liked it very much, going by what he said.

After describing the exhilarating launch procedure and beginning of his zero-gravity excursion, Shatner wrote that when he turned around to look into the void of space, he was shocked by the emptiness he found.

"When I looked in the opposite direction, into space, there was no mystery, no majestic awe to behold," Shatner wrote. "All I saw was death."

Not quite the reaction I would have expected. I would have imagined that space, from space would look quite full of stars and the odd planet. I can see it might make you and Earth seem quite insignificant and fragile.
He made that assumption from his view of the universe which was about 00000000000000000000.1% of it

Our closest object is the moon.

I was recently informed that every planet in the solar system can fit in the distance between Earth and the Moon and from a quick check that seems about right.

Space is mind bogglingly empty.
He made that assumption from his view of the universe which was about 00000000000000000000.1% of it
But at the same time... That's all yours see in99.9999999999999999999 etc of it

Actually you'd see much less
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Our closest object is the moon.

I was recently informed that every planet in the solar system can fit in the distance between Earth and the Moon and from a quick check that seems about right.

Space is mind bogglingly empty.

Just play elite dangerous..... aint that the truth even with the distance speeded up its still mind boggingly empty :)
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If one were Captain Marvel that can travel through space without external power and doesn't need to breath at all...Sure, space is full of wonder...

As a mere human that relies on oxygen tank and have no chance of ever reaching of those tiny stars you is just death.

It is a bit like living on a boat at sea...whilst the sea itself looks wondrous, you are not going to live for very long jumping into it.
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