Captcha issues (mostly a rant)!!!

17 Jul 2008
all i want to do is log into my steam account!

is the pole of a traffic light a traffic light?

Are a few pixels of the mirror / tyre of a motorbike part of a motorbike?

do stairs include the banister?

is the basket on the front of a moped part of the motorcycle?

are motorbikes in the distance supposed to be selected when there is an obvious one in the foreground

is the person on the bike part of the bike?

is a moped a motorcycle?

ive been trying to pass the capcha for 15 mins :( im willing to pay £50 for this £11 game if i can just play it now!
I get you @edscdk

There is the zebra crossing version as well, where I'm not sure if a smidgen of white showing on an adjacent square is meant to count or not. It also doesn't help that I have low vision.

The Captcha that works best for me is the one where it displays several items at various levels of zoom and it asks you what is the biggest item out of that lot? So if 2 of the items is a telephone and a zoomed-in 2p coin (so to make it look bigger than the telephone), then you still use common sense and point at the telephone as being the bigger item. I think it's fairly recent as I've only had this type of quiz a couple of times.
reCAPTCHA is the worst thing ever. I'm not American so why would you presume I know what a fire hydrant, cross walk or (blue) mailbox is. Or what distinguishes a single car out if loads to make it a taxi.

hCaptcha is so much better.
According to a video I watched on Youtube about this (which makes me an expert), it doesn't matter if you get it exactly right. Its more about how you move and make the decision, rather being spot on. Apparently the newer captcha type systems don't even need you to make a choice, they are just monitoring how you are navigating the website.

I hate the garbled text ones though, have to refresh a few times to get one I can read.
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Move your mouse about between entry boxes and sometimes they won't come up.

But yeah captchas like that are incredibly frustrating, I prefer the maths ones or pulling puzzle pieces.
Captcha isn't about clicking the right thing. It doesn't know any better than you. Captcha is there for you to teach AI what a fire hydrant bus, motorcycle, crosswalk, etc is.
Captcha isn't about clicking the right thing. It doesn't know any better than you. Captcha is there for you to teach AI what a fire hydrant bus, motorcycle, crosswalk, etc is.

Yea you can tell it cyclist are fire hydrants and vice versa. Or star cases. It usually accepts it.

Sabotage that AI :D
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