
2 Jun 2004
Keycaptcha or solvemedia (or other)?

Personally I think solvemedia is infinately better since it's never difficult to read. I can typically get past solvemedia in 2-4 seconds, but keycaptcha often takes 10+ due to needing to refresh it until it displays something readable.

What do you use on your sites, and are you happy with it?
You don't make money from these 'random question' things though.

The solvemedia subliminal advertising is interesting. Like "enter the product slogan to continue".

The best way to remember something is to write it after all! :D

(captchas are not just about preventing bot spam)
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So why would a relatively large site like tinypic use it then? They originally used keycaptcha, but switched to solvemedia at least a year ago. If it was really that easy for bots to bypass they wouldn't use it.

Also, you think hasn't already thought of this? :confused:
It's pretty simple really: if you as a human find it easy to read then it's relatively easy to create a program to solve them.

All I'm going to say about it is; solvemedia know more than both you or I about this. And if it was really that simple they would do things differently.
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