Yesterday I bought Capture One Pro 11 after being a Lightroom user for years (the Sony edition is a crazy low 80EUR, complete no-brainer) and while of course I do not yet have the exhaustive experience to make definitive conclusions, my initial impressions are extremely positive.
Anyone else tried C1 and noticed similar?
- C1 is about 10x faster when împorting and editing photos from my NAS... Lightroom was appalling in that regard, slow and stuttery.
- The menu system is super clean and logical and tabs stop me constantly scrolling and fiddling around.
- It appears to work magic with NR and sharpening, never have I been able to reduce noise while retaining detail to this extent. You can literally max NR and max sharpening and the image looks surprisingly good.
- The clarity slider has multiple "methods" which greatly improve the end result. The "Natural" method avoids looking too artificial.
- The "Auto adjust" button produces extremely decent result all things considered, mch better than my experience with Lightroom.
Anyone else tried C1 and noticed similar?