Car allowance...

Im just curious as to amounts...16k seems v.v.v.v excessive - Ive had 2 calls today - one for 4200 and one for 4500 which is similar to Tinders although i did not enquire about the fuel situation :)
Hmmm I think it may give me the urge to go sign a lease agreement which I dont think would be to clever?! Or would it?!

Can get a 120D Sport for 330ish...

God all so confusing...
Velocity said:
Who gives a monkey's, poor old Teledudes thread is getting hijacked :)


Anyway back to the question :p

Can I accept the car allowance without changing my own car? And will I be able to claim the 40p tax relief stuff I've read about?
zain said:
Should I feel stupid? I dont know what you mean by car allowance now but I thought I did....

Monthly amount you want to pay on a lease or something?

Basically a monthly allowance to make sure you can move about so to speak :p

I think ;)
Muncher said:
My dad ;) gets given a certain amount and gets to pick from a Leaseplan scheme.

He has topped it up by £100 per month to get a £18k Passat TDi, appears to be £300 ish per month the company give him, they also pay all servicing, tax and insurance. So probably about £4.7k all in per year.

*grumbles* :p
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